Living a life with Intent !

It’s been a journey discovering myself, living my life intently and finding my purpose. My name is Sharwline Nicholson. I am a single mom of two, boy and a girl. I am a survivor of the NYC child welfare system who is also a survivor of Domestic Violence. I sought help after I was severely beaten and the city charged me with “engaging” in Domestic Violence. They stated I was ‘unfit’ and was a neglectful mother. My children were taken from my care. Sad but true story ! I fought tirelessly to regain custody and discover, I was not alone. Women all across the city was experiencing this devastating nightmare. I became the named plaintiff in the class action lawsuit “Nicholson v Scoppetta” I speak nationally on behalf women and children, who have been impacted by Domestic Violence and/or Child Welfare.

I am living my life with intent and purpose. I do not let setbacks define or stop me. I trod along and find the message in the challenging moment. I do realize there will be many challenges as we go through life. Challenges are crucial part of our life – it prepares you for what’s next. Your desires never leave you, once there is action, you will see your dreams/desire comes to life. I always enjoy writing whether journals or diaries. I wanted to become a Journalist. I really do like sharing information in a positive and impactful manner. Writing also keeps the creative juices flowing. Creating this blog , reminds me that age is but a number and you can always fulfill your desires. It doesn’t matter when you start – just start and fulfill that burning desire. Do not listen to the voices in your head – you are too old, who is going to read tor there is so many of that stuff that is out there. Another reminder – Do Not share your hopes, dreams and desires with people, who can’t see your vision. They will stop you from moving ahead , with their own insecurities and self-limiting beliefs. They will inject their own feelings of life unto you. We can easily get devoured because it is coming from the ones we love or the ones closest to us. It is extremely important who you choose to share your desired goals with. This journey is yours and truthfully, everyone is not energetically aligned with you. Not everyone will be on the same positive frequency. Get up and do what you are passionate about. Do you -Let’s GO!

Stop let stumbling blocks derail you. Re-train your thought process. The moment you conceive an idea, believe in yourself and take inspired actions – you will achieve. “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” Napoleon Hill. I am currently retraining my thought process and is very excited to be the author of my story and be in alignment with my creator’s plan. I will live my life to my full potential. I have been up and down through the trenches but the greatest of it all – I AM ALIVE !

I am very grateful that I am living and is able to share with you. How are you doing ? Are you living your life to the fullest – no regrets ? This is life, we will have moments of up and down. Do take a pause and find the message in the lesson. Now, run the race as hard as you can. Believe in yourself !You become what you believe. Find your purpose and pursue the highest truest expression of yourself. Don’t forget to be your unique self. Everyone else is already taken. I used to say that I wish I knew what I know now, when I was younger. Truth be told, it probably would’t resonated. The timing is now. It’s never too late to learn something new – never stop learning ! It’s never too late for anything – you are Alive! Live your life with Intent and Thank you for having A moment with Sharwline:)


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